At Sunshine Coast Hand Therapy, we understand how essential healthy hands and wrists are to your daily life. From simple tasks like buttoning a shirt to more complex activities like playing sports or typing on a computer, our hands are constantly at work. But what happens when pain, injury, or discomfort interferes with their function? Knowing when to seek help from a hand therapist is crucial for timely and effective treatment. Here’s a guide to recognising if you might need a hand therapist, how we can help, and the referral pathways to get you started on your journey to recovery.

Recognising the Signs You Need a Hand Therapist

Hand therapists specialise in treating conditions that affect the upper limb (hand, wrist, and arm). However, we often have patients tell us they never knew hand therapists existed, until they really needed it! So here are some signs that you might need to see a hand therapist: 

1. Persistent Pain or Discomfort

If you’re experiencing ongoing pain or discomfort in your hand, wrist, or arm that doesn’t improve with rest or over-the-counter treatments, it’s time to seek professional help. This could be a sign of an underlying issue such as arthritis, tendinitis, or nerve compression.

2. Limited Movement

Difficulty moving your fingers, hand, wrist or elbow can significantly impact your daily activities. If you find it challenging to perform tasks that were once easy, a hand therapist can help identify the cause and develop a treatment plan to improve your mobility.

3. Swelling or Stiffness

Swelling or stiffness that persists for more than a few days, especially after an injury, should not be ignored. These symptoms could indicate a sprain, fracture, or other conditions that require professional care. You should seek guidance from your GP as to whether hand therapy is the right path for your injury.

4. Numbness or Tingling

Numbness or tingling in your hand or fingers can be a sign of nerve issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Early intervention by a hand therapist can prevent further damage and restore normal function.

5. Trauma or Overuse Injuries

If you’ve sustained an injury to your hand, wrist, or arm—whether it’s a fracture, dislocation, or severe cut—seeking the expertise of a hand therapist can be essential for proper healing and rehabilitation. 

6. Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

After surgery involving the hand or wrist, hand therapy is often recommended to ensure optimal recovery. A hand therapist can guide you through exercises and treatments to regain strength, flexibility, and function.

How Sunshine Coast Hand Therapy Can Help

At Sunshine Coast Hand Therapy, we offer comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs. Here’s how we can help:

1. Expert Assessment and Diagnosis

Our experienced hand therapists will conduct a thorough assessment to understand your condition. We use advanced techniques to diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms, ensuring accurate and effective treatment.

2. Personalised Treatment Plans

We develop individualised treatment plans based on your unique needs and goals. Whether you need pain management, exercises to improve strength and flexibility, or specialised splinting, we tailor our approach to achieve the best outcomes for you.

3. Therapeutic Techniques

We utilise a variety of therapeutic techniques, including manual therapy, heat modalities, soft tissue massage, therapeutic ultrasound, InterX therapy, and custom splinting, to promote healing and restore function. Our goal is to reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance your quality of life.

4. Education and Prevention

Education is a key component of our therapy. We provide you with the knowledge and tools to manage your condition and prevent future injuries. This includes ergonomic advice, home exercise programs, and strategies to protect your hands and wrists.

Referral Pathways to Sunshine Coast Hand Therapy

Getting started with hand therapy at Sunshine Coast Hand Therapy is easy! Here’s how you can access our services:

1. Self-Referral

You can contact us directly to schedule an appointment. No referral is needed for an initial consultation, making it easy for you to seek the help you need when you need it.

2. GP Referral

Your general practitioner (GP) can refer you to our services if they believe you would benefit from specialised hand therapy. This is often the case for conditions requiring coordinated care or for accessing certain funding schemes.

3. Specialist Referral

If you’ve seen a specialist for a hand or wrist condition, they may refer you to us for targeted rehabilitation. This is common following surgeries or complex injuries that require expert therapeutic intervention.

4. Insurance and Funding

We work with various insurance providers and funding schemes, including Workers’ Compensation, DVA or Third Party. You may also be eligible for a medicare rebate if your GP provides you with an Enhanced Care Program referral (EPC). Our team can assist you with understanding your coverage and ensuring you receive the support you need. 

Key Takeaways!

Recognising when you need a hand therapist is the first step towards recovery and improved hand function. At Sunshine Coast Hand Therapy, we are dedicated to providing expert care to help you regain mobility, reduce pain, and enhance your quality of life. If you’re experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards healthier upper limbs!