Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral

No, but most of our clients have been seen by a Doctor first.

Does my Private Fund cover the consultation?

Yes, in nearly all cases. There will be a variable gap depending on your fund and the services you need.

Please note that patients will need to have cover for Occupational Therapy to be eligible for the rebate, as we currently don’t have Physiotherapists working with us

We have HICAPS, bring your fund card, a Master, Visa or Eftpos card or cash.

What about Medicare?

Medicare does not pay for therapy UNLESS you are referred by your GP with a “Team Care Plan” this will only apply to some individuals, please discuss with your GP first. There will be a gap fee with a Team care plan.


Yes, with a valid GP’s referral, no gap fee.


Yes, with a valid referral and current certificate, no gap fee. We also conduct worksite assessments and return to work programmes.

What should I bring?

X-rays, imaging reports, notes, referral letters are all helpful. Wear loose upper body clothing or something suitable for the arm to be exposed. If the condition is painful you can take something for pain 15 minutes before your appointment.

How long is an appointment/How long will therapy continue?

Minimum consultation time is 30 minutes, check when booking. Treatment duration depends on your condition and improvements made, we do not have continuous “maintenance therapy”.